You don’t have to dedicate your company’s capital
You don’t have to deal with purchase financing
You don’t have to sell your car on second hand
No matter how many cars you need, the fleet leasing is always the best advantageous solution.
Intercity makes sure that your company has access to as many cars as it needs in a secure, consistent, and hassle-free manner. When you rent your cars from Intercity, the only thing you need to do is enjoy the ride. With Intercity, you will have the comfort and dynamism of your car, not the trouble or cost of it.
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Wherever you are in Turkey, rent the cars that your company need from Intercity, an from industry leaders with 30 years of excellence.
Take care of your business, leave the rest for us! This is what we do?

Intercity never lets you down on the road thanks to its 1,000+ authorised service points throughout Turkey.

After the ground-breaking ceremony for Intercity Istanbul Park had taken place on 23rd September 2003, in 2005 the circuit hosted its first Formula 1 race, much to the joy of spectators. In 2018, Intercity acquired the rights to run the complex, and through the various improvements and investments it carried out, Intercity Istanbul Park was transformed into the country’s most comprehensive centre for the automotive sector, motorsports and road safety

Intercity 2.El. handles the sales and marketing of all the vehicles in Intercity’s fleet that are placed on the second-hand market. The company runs branchs in the provinces of Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara, Bursa, Adana, Antalya and Samsun, as well as controlling a sales network across Turkey comprising more than 500 second-hand car dealers.

You can directly get the most suitable vehicle offer for your needs by taking advantages of leasing.
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