A Message from our Chairman

Today we are pushing ahead with the same determination, ambition and tempo as we did exactly 33 years ago, when we set out on our exciting journey. Mindful of the fact that we were the first company in Turkey to offer operational fleet leasing and that we are still the leader in this field, we continue to bring innovations to the sector and do what has not been done before.
We are right to feel both proud and happy, not just because we currently provide a fleet leasing service to Turkey’s biggest companies but also because of what we have done with Intercity Istanbul Park, one of our country’s treasures, which we have cared for meticulously and kept it in the excellent state it is in today.
After a gap of nine years, we have succeeded in bringing back to our country Formula 1, the world’s most important motorsports event. We did this, moreover, in the shadow of a pandemic that has taken grip of the entire world and caused no end of difficulties. While we at Intercity have persevered with our operations, we also invested a lot in this event, both materially and spiritually. Without costing our state a single cent, we brought this major event back to Turkey, making the Formula 1 at Intercity Istanbul Park one of the most positive developments in a year that was challenging in every way.
Intercity’s organisation of Formula 1 in 2020 was a huge success, and we shall continue to display the effort and sense of responsibility required to bring this event back to Turkey in the years to come.
The automotive sector has been one of the hardest hit sectors during these difficult times, but we at Intercity are sticking to our goals and making sure that all our deliveries take place on time. We know well that the main reasons why Turkey’s biggest and most respected companies choose us for their fleet leasing are the uninterrupted and flawless service we provide and the strong trust these companies feel they can place in us. These reasons remain as valid as ever!
We will continue to remind ourselves, our partners and all our stakeholders that being reliable is a must for us, and that this requires us to abide by our scrupulous work principles and apply high standards of professional ethics. It goes without saying that we will not waiver from these principles and standards.
What inspires us when we set out on new journeys is our talented and first-rate workforce, our dynamic structure that embraces the future, and our belief in our country. The Intercity family will continue to grow, but our true driving forces will always be the responsibility we feel towards our stakeholders and society at large and our desire to contribute to the welfare of our country.
Today we are delighted to be the most popular institution in the fleet-leasing sector and to be respected for our work. We will continue to embrace innovation and change as we proceed, setting ever higher targets for ourselves. While we will remain faithful to our basic values, we will constantly renew and develop our strategies, business lines and forms of organisation. I would like to thank all our stakeholders, friends and —last, but by no means least— all our employees for the trust, belief, support and cooperation that they have demonstrated to us throughout our long journey.
Yours respectfully and affectionately,
Vural AK
Chairman of the Intercity Executive Board